
Our Executive Principal’s Five Highlights of the Week

As I write my blog this week, I can hear the sound of KG playing outside – lots of laughter and squeals of delight. I cannot emphasise enough just how joyful it has been to welcome all of our amazing pupils back to school this week – both those returning for their second year, and those who are just starting their learning journey with us. I have been so impressed with each child’s ability to transition back to school life after long summer breaks, and with their desire to build new friendships and make the most of new learning opportunities.

Here are my fabulous five moments from this week:

  • Meeting and greeting Primary pupils and their parents on the door each morning. Each day has seen a real growth in confidence from the students, from a slight trepidation on Sunday, to bounding in without looking back this morning – our children are ready to go! That said, I was informed by a Grade 6 boy this morning that he didn’t like being woken up early! One of life’s realities, I’m afraid, but at least it’s the weekend tomorrow, so he can have a good sleep!
  • Seeing our founding Senior boys and girls making the most of their new learning spaces and setting the tone for mature, independent learning facilitated by our awesome team of specialist teachers. These Senior pupils are setting the most amazing example, and should all be so proud of their first week at Beech Hall.

  • Watching the staff settle in and share their expertise. From Reham sharing how the curriculum knits together to plot milestones across the years, to Ben sharing his knowledge of using Numicon to support maths with the LSAs, everyone here at Beech Hall is committed to sharing best practices and drawing on their expertise to ensure we are well-trained, lifelong learners who are continually developing for our children.
  • Reading with KG2 this morning. We had such fun reading BIG books, including classics like Dear Zoo. You are never too old to get lost in a cracking story. The only problem is that I have already given away my favourite hiding space. If you ever can’t find me, chances are I will be down in Early Years somewhere, getting carried away with the youngest learners’ innate curiosity and sense of fun.
  • Introducing Crumb to KG! The students had the best time patting and stroking Crumb, all telling him all about their day. He was also very excited to meet them, and wanted to stay in their outdoor area. No such luck, Mr Crumb! We had more work to do.

So as our first week comes to a close, I want to thank all of our amazing families and staff for joining us, for working with us to settle the children into their year, and for being part of our special community. Happy Thursday!

Clemmie​ Stewart,
Executive Principal