
Contact us

Please do contact us if you have any questions or wish to book a meeting with our Principal and to register your interest. We are always happy to hear from you.

School Office and Admissions:

4036 Al Baldah, 7490,
Al Khuzama
Riyadh 12581
Saudi Arabia




Beech Hall School Riyadh

4036 Al Baldah, 7490, Al Khuzama,
Riyadh 12581, Saudi Arabia

Contact Us

Please do contact us if you have any questions or wish to book a meeting with our Principal and to register your interest. We are always happy to hear from you.


School Office and Admissions:

4036 Al Baldah, 7490,
Al Khuzama
Riyadh 12581
Saudi Arabia



For more specific admissions related enquiries, please contact the following or complete the form on this page.

Ms Clemmie Stewart

Executive Principal
Ms Almira Sirbayeva
Head of Marketing and Admissions