Our Executive Principal’s Five Highlights of the Week

We’re really enjoying getting back into the swing of our learning this week, and walking around school, it is clear to see our pupils are incredibly engaged with their curriculum. I have been blown away with facts about Matisse, knowledge about how our brains work, and insightful comments about how we can develop routines that enable us to thrive in our learning environment.

As ever, here are my top five moments from last week!

  • Reading Oh, the Places You’ll Go! with Grade 2. The empowering words in this book inform the children that they are masters of their own destiny. The story also helpfully reminds us all that there are times when we might get lost or find it hard, and that’s okay too. What more important a lesson is there to learn than this one? Plus, the pictures are a fun way to help us tap into the Mindset strand of our Tapestry!
  • Introducing one of our younger pupils to Anita Gleave, the CEO of Chatsworth Schools! Anita is deeply passionate about ensuring that what we do is good enough for our amazing pupils – and what better way than to meet them on Teams and ask them directly!

  • Going for my first Riyadh run! Despite the 40 degree heat, I grabbed my trainers and went for a run to see the most beautiful sunset. Dusk in the Kingdom is truly spectacular – and on foot was the perfect way to enjoy it! With health and wellbeing being a core part of our Tapestry, it was a pleasure to lead by example, getting some exercise and enjoying the beautiful sights of Riyadh by sunset at the same time.
  • Having the noon prayer explained to me so beautifully by some Grade 6 boys. They helped me understand the importance of this prayer, telling me that it left them feeling an immense sense of gratitude. I also really enjoyed the peace and calm that it brought to the day. The pupils and staff are so generous with their knowledge, and are always willing to answer any questions I have about Saudi culture.
  • Meeting Daniel Sobel and James Bloomfield of IFIP, to talk about and plan the conference that we’re hosting here in the Kingdom in October! We are so excited and proud to be hosting this event, showcasing the very best of inclusive educational practices and providing a stage for world-renowned educationalists, who have chosen Beech Hall as their Saudi stop as they tour the Gulf! There will be more details to follow, but if you are interested in attending, please keep your eyes peeled for information on how to book your place.

Clemmie​ Stewart,
Executive Principal