Our Executive Principal’s Five Highlights of the Week

Whilst lots of other schools are gearing up for the end of term, we are still full speed ahead at Beech Hall School Riyadh. The pupils are still working exceptionally hard, as are the staff, and the outcomes have been super to see. This week has had lots of exciting things going on, some of which are listed below! Enjoy!

  • Attending the Education Investment Saudi conference was an amazing experience. I was speaking on a panel sharing my insights into setting up a K-12 school in the region, and celebrating what an incredible experience it has been so far. It was very clear to see from the data being shared, and the buzz in the room, that Saudi is an incredible place to be right now – and it was a real honour to share Beech Hall School Riyadh’s journey with interested parties. I am always so proud when I hear from new connections that they already know about Beech Hall and the way in which we’re innovating in the sector. Long may it continue!

  • Another highlight was being asked to attend the UK government’s Department for Business and Trade roundtable discussion, which was looking at the way in which the UK and Saudi Arabia can work together to support the expansion of British schools in the region. We met Professor Sir Steve Smith, whose role it is to advise the British Prime Minister on education in Saudi. We were all invited to share our successes and challenges, and it was clear to see from his questions that there is much to look forward to, as we see this partnership develop further. Once again, I felt very proud to see Beech Hall School Riyadh at the table, and to be involved in such strategic and forward-thinking discussions.
  • I was also lucky enough to be invited to the British Embassy to hear Professor Sir Steve Smith address a small gathering of educational leaders here in Riyadh. The main topics of his talk were SEN provision, the use of educational technology in schools, the power of the partnership between the UK and KSA and, finally, the importance of skills development in the curriculum. He also celebrated and highlighted the importance of the early years of education, and how these can create such an important foundation for children. It was great to hear that the areas he’s focusing on very clearly mirror the areas of strength and development here at Beech Hall School Riyadh. It was also great fun to meet fellow principals and leaders from highly-esteemed establishments such as British International School Riyadh, Reigate Grammar School Riyadh, and British International School, Al Khobar.
  • Back at school, we have had a great time seeing the children make the most of the brand new learning spaces. The KG children have been very busy preparing their winter celebration! Anyone coming to watch is in for such a treat – their performances are looking incredible already. The KG indoor space has provided the most beautiful area for their practices, and has no doubt truly inspired them to shine!
  • As I write this, I’ve just come downstairs from our Maker Space, which has been turned into a coding workshop for the morning! The Senior boys were using their coding and programming skills to play football with robots, and control vehicles. Their technical ability is amazing to see, as is their collaboration and ability to problem solve. I was absolutely amazed at how they were mastering these crucial skills, and I can’t wait to see what they do next!

In a week filled with prestigious events and exciting developments, Beech Hall School Riyadh continues to thrive. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I’m already looking forward to finding out what’s in store next week!

Clemmie​ Stewart,
Executive Principal